Message September 27, 2020 - Defining Faith
Hello Prophetic, Praying, Company of Believers, Bible Study was taught by none other than Bro. Mike Boyd. A look back at the heroes of faith and what caused them to make it into God's Hall of Faith. Enjoy! Scripture References & Highlights Message Scriptures: Hebrews 11:1-13 vs. 1-3, the universe was formed by God Old Testament Heroes vs 4 - Abel faith moved Abel to choose a more acceptable offering thought if Cain had just repented and asked God what type of offering he should have given things would have turned out differently vs. 5 - Enoch God came and took Enoch in a shorter amount of time than what most people of that day lived to be vs. 7 - Noah received a lot of flack for building the ark but doing what he was told to do resulted in his family being safe. vs. 8 - Abraham obeyed God to leave home and confidently looked forward to a city designed and built by God vs. 31 - Rahab protected spies and her household was saved vs. 13 - all lived by faith until the day they died...