
Showing posts from December, 2020

Tuesday's Bible Study, December 29, 2020 - Pregnancy of Truth

  Greetings Kingdom Carriers, Tuesday's bible study enlightened us to the fact that the Kingdom of God is currently dwelling within us - we are pregnant with the Kingdom and that changes everything.  Be prepared to embrace the Kingdom that resides within.    God Bless! Scripture References & Highlights Message Scriptures: Luke 17:20-22 the Kingdom is already within Luke 1:26-35, 46-48 Mary had some teachings in the law Her initial exchange with the angel was a natural response There is an internal reality happening inside Mary As Mary embraced the message of the Kingdom within her, her speech changed John 17:1 Jesus brought glory to God, we are commissioned to bring glory to Jesus   Nuggets for the Week We are all carrying the Kingdom within; cannot be observed naturally or outwardly but perceived through a relationship with the One we are carrying This Kingdom is shining within us  Embrace this truth that we are impregnated with the Kingdom Reflections...

Sunday's Message, December 27, 2020 - Purpose

  Greetings People of Purpose, Sunday's message refocused our attention to what true life and pupose looks like in the life of believers.  After being called to love God with everything we have, we are lead others into this same experience.    God Bless! Scripture References & Highlights   Movie clip on Disney+'s Soul.  Scene outtake 1:10:00 - 1:30:00 Message Scriptures: John 14:6-11 Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life John 15:4-8 Jesus is the vine we are branches, apart from Him we can do nothing Luke 8:1-10, 16-18 we have been given a teachable heart to know the hidden mysteries of God pay careful attention to our hearts, if it remains open more revelation will be given until it overflows to a closed heart the little light we have will be taken away Isaiah 6:1-13 sanctification is important before being sent to represent Jesus to others Jesus is our sanctification God's mercy will preserve a remnant in the midst of judgment Luke 9:1-6 vs. 3, the...

Tuesday's Bible Study, December 22, 2020 - What Will It Take?

    Greetings Diligent Seekers, Tuesday's message was a series of reflective questions on what will it take to get back to that first love encounter or have we become satisfied/stagnant with the state of our current relationship with Jesus?  Only you can determine the answer and respond with whole-hearted obedience.  Sometimes asking the hard questions is the turning point in our journey.    God Bless! Scripture References & Highlights Message Scriptures: Luke 5:1-11, 12-14, 27-31, 36-39 vs. 1 - What will it take to come close? vs. 4-5, What will it take to go a little deeper again because Jesus says so?  vs. 6-8, What will it take to be astonished, in awe or in wonder of Jesus again?  What will it take? vs. 9-10, When was the last time you were awestruck just over Jesus? vs. 11, What will it take to drop everything and follow Jesus? vs. 13-14, Jesus is willing, are we?  Am I willing to be a living testimony for others? vs. 27-28, He...

Sunday Message, December 20, 2020

  Greetings Secret Dwellers, Sunday's message brought by Bro. Landon was a call back to being secret place dwellers where the goal is to know and be known by God then consumed completely by Him for the sake of others.  Enjoy that pathway back to spending time with Him!    God Bless! Scripture References & Highlights Message Scriptures: Psalm 51:1-19 (2 Samuel 12 as backdrop to Ps.51) David's heart was brought to repentence and he responded turning his gaze off of himself back to God Light comes to bring conviction & repentence Isaiah and Gideon were ones who responded to Light (Isaiah 6:5, Judges 6:15-17) Isaiah 9:6-7 unto us a child is born (given)  for God's plan and purposes a child was born the idea that God make it personal for each of us  God chose the manner in which He would come  still choose today to love and invites us into that love Luke 10:41-42 (while praying over giftings) but one thing is needed and will not be taken away be he...

Sunday's Message, December 13, 2020 - Living Ready

  Hello Bride of Christ , Sunday's message provided insight on the hope in living ready.  As the church is being prepared for the endtimes, what does it look like to be a prepared bride and what does such preparation look like?  Praise God, our Bridegroom King is patient and kind to include us as a partner in His endtime plans.  Rejoice, there's gonna be a wedding!    God Bless! Scripture References & Highlights Message Scriptures: Mark 13:3-37 Beware, vs. 5 Don't give in to your fears, vs. 7 Prepare for the end, vs. 7 Be on guard, vs. 9 Remain faithful, vs. 13 Keep awake and alert, vs. 35 Hope of What? Isaiah 60:1-5, 8-9, 15, 19 Great Harvest Jesus' Second Coming Revelation 19:6-8 "Let us be glad and rejoice, and let us give honor to him.  For the time has come for the wedding feast of the Lamb, and his bride has prepared herself" vs. 7 A Ready Bride Song of Soloman 4:1-15 is beautiful eyes glisten with love for the Bridegroom King is devoted sacr...

Bible Study, December 8, 2020 - Do You See What I see?

  Hello Bride of Christ , Tuesday's message asked us how much are we paying attention to what God is saying to us.  Are we even taking the time to inquire?  Ask yourself what is God saying to me in this hour and examine the various answers.  Rejoice that God of the universe desires to engage us in a personal conversation as He did Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden!    God Bless! Scripture References & Highlights Message Scriptures: Mark 9:1-13 I'm glad that I can have the same experience of being alone with Jesus  Peter had the same response as the Shulamite woman, not wanting to go where Jesus wanted to go  We don't have to be quiet about what God is doing in our lives but boldly and confidently share with others Song of Soloman chapters 2-8           an exchange between the Shulamite woman and the Bridegroom King of His love for her and His desire for her to come away with Him to share their love with others Ma...

Sunday's Message, December 6, 2020 - Giving is part of Our Worship to the Lord

Hello Worshippers of God , Sunday's message had us looking closely at what God deems as giving and how it is our act of worship.  Dive in and discover our motives for giving and does it lead to the advancement of the Kingdom.  God is requiring our ALL!    God Bless! Scripture References & Highlights Message Scriptures: Proverbs 3:5-10 God wants us to trust Him 24/, lean on Him in our day to day conversations , conduct and character vs. 9  Honoring God can't honor God unless you know the value of Christ's blood that was shed on the cross know and have relationship with Christ 1 Samuel 2:36 it's about our motive for giving Malachi 1:6 honoring God with our lives John 8:49 Jesus honored God Luke 21:1-4 honoring God is about giving our ALL it's about being committed to the Lord Mark 11:17 intercession is for others (praying for others) gift of healing is for the healing of others gift of prophesy is to edify the body John 3:16 God gave Jesus  What are we g...

Bible Study, December 1, 2020 - Be Careful How You Build

 Dear Wise Builders , Tuesday's Bible Study topic was a reminder to pay attention to what is laying on our foundations because there is a goal for other's to see Christ through our lives !    God Bless! Scripture References & Highlights Message Scriptures: O be careful little eyes what you see O be careful little eyes what you see                                 For the Father up above Is looking down in love So, be careful little eyes what you see O be careful little ears what you hear O be careful little ears what you hear For the Father up above Is looking down in love So, be careful little ears what you hear O be careful little tongue what you say O be careful little tongue what you say For the Father up above Is looking down in love So, be careful little tongue what you say O be careful little hands what you do O be careful little hands what you do For the Father up above Is look...