Sunday's Message, December 13, 2020 - Living Ready

 Hello Bride of Christ,

Sunday's message provided insight on the hope in living ready.  As the church is being prepared for the endtimes, what does it look like to be a prepared bride and what does such preparation look like?  Praise God, our Bridegroom King is patient and kind to include us as a partner in His endtime plans.  Rejoice, there's gonna be a wedding!

God Bless!

Scripture References & Highlights

Message Scriptures:
  • Mark 13:3-37
    • Beware, vs. 5
    • Don't give in to your fears, vs. 7
    • Prepare for the end, vs. 7

    • Be on guard, vs. 9
    • Remain faithful, vs. 13
    • Keep awake and alert, vs. 35
Hope of What?
  • Isaiah 60:1-5, 8-9, 15, 19
    • Great Harvest
    • Jesus' Second Coming
  • Revelation 19:6-8
    • "Let us be glad and rejoice, and let us give honor to him.  For the time has come for the wedding feast of the Lamb, and his bride has prepared herself" vs. 7

A Ready Bride
  • Song of Soloman 4:1-15
    • is beautiful
    • eyes glisten with love for the Bridegroom King
    • is devoted
    • sacrificial life
    • tasted my Word
    • life has become clean and pure
    • show grace balanced with truth
    • inner strength
    • pure faith and love
    • nurturing of others
    • embrace the sufferings of Christ
As a bride, have we gotten to the point of saying...
  • Song of Soloman 4:16
    • Awaken me - in order to be awakened there has to be an acknowledgement that we are asleep.  Maybe in the place of not being on fire as we once were, or lackadaisical about prayer or reading our Word or carrying about souls.
    • Breathe on me
    • Stir up your life in me
    • Spare nothing; hold nothing back in making me yours (whatever it takes), I believe the hardest one because of fear of the unknown or lack of understanding the sanctification process
    • Walk with me as you did Adam, longing for His Presence
    • Taste the fruit of Your life in me (footnote:  The beautiful bride overflowing with his life is to be given to tohers, even as Jesus was given to us by the Father.  She has become a feast for the nations, wine to cheer the hearts of others.  TPT - The Passion Translation)
An example of someone else who lived a ready life
  • Mark 14:3-9
    • the alabaster box was filled with the highest quality of fragrant oil
    • the oil was costly
    • she anointed Jesus' body for burial
    • be careful of being offended, vs. 4
    • she did all she could to honor Jesus

 Nuggets for the Week

  • I believe as children of God, He is telling us these things not to live in fear (2 Timothy 1:7) but instead to live in hope.
  • Hope of a greater event to take place
  • The bride is being prepared to meet the Bridegroom King without spot or wrinkle 
  • Living ready for what?
  • What, of our all, have we done to honor Jesus?  (Not works, Eph. 2:8 but Romans 12:1-2)
  • What of our lives has been poured out in His name?  (TPT footnote:  it was believed that at Jesus' crucifixion the Roman soldiers could smell the fragrance of the oil)

 Key Takeaway for the Body 
  • Is it possible, that when we die to ourselves daily the fragrance of Jesus is smelled by others because of that simple act of obedience?

Prayer Time

In your times of prayer this week (9am,12noon, and 6pm) we encourage you to include the following scriptures located below and in the article 7 Verses and 7 Prayers for your Pastor/

Ephesians 1:17-19, 3:16-17

Philippians 1:9-11

Colossians 1:10-12

Worship Highlight


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