Tuesday's Bible Study, August 3, 2021 - Expectation and Preparation

 Hello Spiritual Family,  

Expectation without preparation is very similar to a famous quote "to be or not to be...that is the question".  The question for us today is what are we expecting and what preparations are we making to receive it.  Check out the thoughts below on how to begin the journey.   

God Bless

Scripture References & Highlights

Prayer for 2021:  This year will be a year of Light; that Light will shine and darkness will not dispel it. 
In Jesus' Name

Message Scriptures
  • Luke 3:15-16
    • people were listening to John's message with expectation of Jesus' coming
  • Matthew 24:36 - 25:13
    • Jesus teaches about proper expectation
    • watch and pray with expectation
    • be prepared
  • Hebrews 13:1-2
    • prepare with expectation to enter others, possibly entertaining angels
    • Exodus 19:1-25
      • God calling Moses how to prepare the people for God
      • God prepared the people by reminding them of their past and what they learned about them, then the promise or covenant
      • the people to consecrate themselves and the setting of boundaries
      • a phenomena that moved the people closer to accept the covenant

     Nuggets for the Week
    • expectations can be negative when a preconceived outcome is desired but not met
      • children of Israel exiting Egypt and wanting to go back
      • Israel's expectation of the Messiah's role other than how He came
    • we have imaginations so it's natural to attack our own thoughts to expectation
    • what if we just expect the goodness of God without seeing or or picturing what that goodness will look like
    • we have a natural propensity to lean into what we expect and drawback from what pairs us 
    • expect opportunities to share the gospel and be prepared
    • God expects
      • to shower us in His love
      • us to enter into His rest
    • God shows us how limited our expectations are without condemnation
    • God continues to grow and maximize our expectations (Ephesians 3:20)
    • Hope = a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen
    • Adjustment = surrender

    • How to be ready?  What we have expectation of we also must prepare.
    • Where have we lost the awe and beauty of Jesus? 
      • it was part of the culture to expect the arrival of Jesus Christ.
      • a renewed sense of the fear of the Lord
    • What are we expectant for?
    • Who are we expecting to show up?
    • What does our daily expectancy look like?
    • How does/should our expectancy help shape and teach us?
    • Do we expect the Sufficiency and Empowerment of God's Grace in all we do and are called/sent to do?
    • Do we expect opportunities to functionally express our Faith in Love?
    • Do we expect signs and wonders to follow and flow?
    • Do we expect God to work in and through us?
    • Do we expect our King to rule well hearts?
    • Do we expect transformation?
    • Do we expect His Finished Work to show forth in our lives?
    • Do we expect His Power to flow in His Church?
    • Do we expect God with us everywhere all the time always?
    • Do we expect to see Him?
    • Do we expect to be with Him?
    • Do we expect to be filled with Holy Spirit?
    • What are we expecting?
    • What image, desire, box, chain, have we attached to our expectations?
    • What do they look like?
    • We have imaginations and thoughts and it's only natural for us to try to apply and affix them to our expectations...but?
    • What if we expect the Goodness of God, without trying to tie anything else of our self, and/or our limitations to His Goodness?
    • What if we lived like we expected Jesus to come everyday?
    • How might that have impact on our daily lives and choices?
    • How might that impact our walk and our Faith and our response and our steps and our opportunities?
    • How do you prepare for something greater?  by preparing for the One who is the greatest of them all

     Key Takeaway for the Body
    • Expectations can be good with focused without selfish motives, without putting God in a box
    • Hope not well-anchored leads to not-sustainable hope.  
      • Example
        • the disciples, after Jesus' crucifixion went back to fishing
        • disciples, waiting in expectancy, to receive Holy Spirit
        • expected to move in power
    • When our expectation is God, then we prepare for Him, outside of our selfish desires.

    Prayer Time

    In your times of prayer this week (9am,12noon, and 6pm) we encourage you to include the following scriptures located below and in the article 7 Verses and 7 Prayers for your Pastor/

    Ephesians 1:17-19, 3:16-17

    Philippians 1:9-11

    Colossians 1:10-12

    Worship Highlight


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