Sunday's Message, February 14, 2021 - Heart of a Shepherd

 Greetings Believers,

Are you ready for the endtime harvest?  Jesus is calling us to be good shepherds laying down our lives, shepherding His sheep with the Father's heart.  Are you ready?  

God Bless!

Scripture References & Highlights

Prayer for 2021:  This year will be a year of Light; that Light will shine and darkness will not dispel it. 
In Jesus' Name

Message Scriptures:
  • John 10:1-5, 11-21
    • vs. 1-5, 
      • Jesus establishes Himself as the Shepherd and His sheep follow Him because they recognize His voice, they are familiar with who He is
      • His sheep won't follow strange teaching because they don't recognize the voice
    • vs. 11-21, 
      • Jesus identifies Himself as the Good Shepherd who lays His life down for the sheep
      • Shepherds that serve only for wages are not true shepherds but wolves in disguise not committed to the sheep
      • Good Shepherd sacrifices His life for the sheep not out of duty but out of love
      • Good Shepherd knows the heart of the sheep and the Father's heart for the sheep
    • vs. 18
      • God's mission for Jesus was salvation of the world, Jew and non-Jew alike (Jesus' destiny - why He came to earth)
    • God's Promises
      • Jeremiah 3:11-22
        • vs. 15, God promised to give us shepherd's after His own heart
      • Jeremiah 15:19-21
        • keep a pure heart and God will raise you up to speak on His behalf
      • Isaiah 40:31
        • new strength is found in the Lord
 Nuggets for the Week
  • Discipling vs. Shepherd - no real difference
    • Discipling - helping other believers live lies committed to Jesus, in both spirit and truth
    • Shepherding - having God's heart for the people (sheep), caring for the sheep, demonstrating love or His heart for the  sheep
  • Three types of sheep
    1. Happy to follow Jesus sheep
    2. Sheep that keep wadering off doing their ow thing without permission
    3. Sheep, no matter what successes are accomplished, they still complain
  • Shepherds in Action
    • Moses - constantly fighting to get people to follow his leadership
    • Esther - put her life on the line for her people
    • Jeremiah - messages not popular or always received
    • Jesus - faced opposition in changing the religious system to a kingdom mindset

  • What is God's destiny for your life?
  • Am I ready to shepherd with the heart of the Father?
  • Am I ready and willing to shepherd like Jesus?

 Key Takeaway for the Body
  • Servant Leaders, relate to their people with genuine care and assure them that they and their ideas matter.  They are dedicated to helping them succeed.  Shepherd leadership comes from the heart.  It is a genuine desire to serve others.  When they lead through service for one another, they reveal their hearts.

In your times of prayer this week (9am,12noon, and 6pm) we encourage you to include the following scriptures located below and in the article 7 Verses and 7 Prayers for your Pastor/

Ephesians 1:17-19, 3:16-17

Philippians 1:9-11

Colossians 1:10-12

Worship Highlight


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