Tuesday's Bible Study, February 16, 2021 - How Are You Going to Serve?

 Greetings Believers,

Serving first begins with receiving...receiving the work of Christ in our own lives, then with humility serve others.  Sit with God and allow Him to wash your feet again!


God Bless!

Scripture References & Highlights

Prayer for 2021:  This year will be a year of Light; that Light will shine and darkness will not dispel it. 
In Jesus' Name

Message Scriptures:
  • John 12:24-26
      • before serving there must be a dying
      • in the dying there is a birthing if seeds or harvest
      • The harvest will come when we follow Jesus where he goes
  • John 13:1, 4-5
      • God longs to show His love
      • Jesus served the disciples by washing their feet
      • How will we serve?
  • John 13: 6-9
      • Peter, because of a lack of understanding of what Jesus is doing and seeing Jesus as a slave, attempts to prevent Jesus from washing his feet
      • Scholars believe that feet washing in this text is symbolic of a) Jesus' death on the cross washing away the old and ushering the new covenant and b) humility in serving others

 Nuggets for the Week
  • How are you receiving Jesus?  As a slave or servant?

  • Definition of serve - to be sufficient, or to promote; as, to serve one's turn, end or purpose

 Key Takeaway for the Body

Prayer Time

In your times of prayer this week (9am,12noon, and 6pm) we encourage you to include the following scriptures located below and in the article 7 Verses and 7 Prayers for your Pastor/

Ephesians 1:17-19, 3:16-17

Philippians 1:9-11

Colossians 1:10-12

Worship Highlight


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