Sunday's Message, June 27, 2021 - Builder: Building God's Kingdom God's Way

 Hello Family of God,  

Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 states clearly that their is a season for everything and that God has built in us a restless yearning for the kind of perfect world that can only be found in His perfect rule.  In the message today, Holy Spirit gives a glimpse into the building season and building according to God's blueprint.  Allow Him to navigate us through His perfect plan for building His kingdom here on earth.

God Bless!

Scripture References & Highlights

Prayer for 2021:  This year will be a year of Light; that Light will shine and darkness will not dispel it. 
In Jesus' Name

Message Scriptures
  • 1 Corinthiands 14
    • vs. 1-6
      • prophecy is to encourage people, to build them up, and to bring them comfort
      • impart prophetic revelation to others
      • the body is enriched (Paul describes prophecy as influential to advance the spiritual welfare of the body)
    • vs. 22-25
      • prophecy is a miracle sign for believers
      • prophecy can convict unbelievers by revealing the hidden secrets of his heart and worship God as being in the midst
    • vs. 26
      • meetings should always be done to build up the church family
    • vs. 29-31
      • let each prophecy be evaluated by other prophets carefully evaluating and discerning what is being said
      • allow fresh revelation (rhema) the opportunity to be shared and evaluated by the  written Word (logos) 
      • environment must be created  where prophecy can be done decently and in order to instruct, encourage, and strengthen the body
    • Matthew 6:9-10
      • God's kingdom established here on earth as it is in heaven
    • Jesus, Himself, was a Master Builder
      • 1 Corinthians 3:8-13
        • building God's way
    • In the Building Process
      • Romans 2:16
        • our hearts will constantly be checked as to what lays inside
      • 1 Corinthians 1:6-8
        • God will keep us steady and strong through the building process (both being built and building others), framing our character
        • we have every spiritual gift we need to help us live while we wait
      • 1 Corinthians 4:5
        • in the revealing of the heart, secret motives of love, faithfulness, righteousness, kindness, etc. will be made known as well as evil intentions
        • this is the goodness of our God to reveal both the good and evil in hearts in us and others as we build
        • yes, we may get marred in the hands of the Potter, but the vessel is always beautiful when it's done.  
        • Our love, faithfulness and devotion will be rewarded
      • 1 Corinthians 5:5
        • there are several interpretations to this scripture by scholars
          • ex-communicate
          • turn him over to the accuser
          • let him suffer the consequences of his actions
          • or learn his lesson the hard way
        • this is where activating or relying upon the spiritual gift of wisdom is needed to apply the correct rememdy
        • always be willing to forgive and comfort those who have learned their lesson
        • comforting those is always the outcome of Christ for fellow believers
      • 2 Corinthians 5:1-10
        • our life's passion to live our lives pleasing Him or in full agreement with God
      • 2 Thessalonians 1:6-12
        • God will bring judgment upon those that reject Him; not us
        • live worthy of all that He has invited us to experience - the good, the bad, and ugly in light of knowing Romans 8:28
      • 1 Corinthians 12:12-26, 1 Corinthians 1:10
        • many members one body, no division in the body
    • Luke 6:12
      • Jesus, oftentimes, left the disciples to go spend time in the Presence of His Father
    • 1 Corinthians 15:58
      • two ways to destroy a building
        • tampering with the foundation
        • use of inferior materials

 Nuggets for the Week
  • we are to continuously build until we all get to heaven
  • other names for builders:
    • artisan (a worker in a skilled trade), inventor, mason, fabricator, carpenter, taper, plasterer, construction worker, architect, contractor, erector, assembler, manufacturer, creator, developer, pioneer
  • other trades involved in building: 
    • electricians, glazier, roofer, upholsterer, decorator, tiler, plumber, landscaper, bricklayer, craftsman 

  • Are we accessing the Gift?
  • Eternal Rewards - 

 Key Takeaway for the Body
  • I am a builder.  My role is to build the kingdom of heaven here on earth (Matthew 6:9-10)
  • Builders sometimes have multiple projects and other times there are no projects.  Take time when their are no projects to draw close to God, be renewed and receive any instructions for how to build in the next season
  • the church must be built on Christ, nothing or no one else
  • judgement day will reveal the sincerity of each person's work
  • God will determine a person's faithfulness to Jesus' instructions
  • good work will be rewarded
  • unfaithful or inferior work will be discounted
  • salvation is assured but not the reward

Prayer Time

In your times of prayer this week (9am,12noon, and 6pm) we encourage you to include the following scriptures located below and in the article 7 Verses and 7 Prayers for your Pastor/

Ephesians 1:17-19, 3:16-17

Philippians 1:9-11

Colossians 1:10-12

Worship Highlight  


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