Sunday's Message, June 6, 2021 - Stop Stumbling and Choose


Hello Family of God,  

It is estimated that the average adult makes about 35,000 remotely conscious decisions each day.  Each decision, of course, carries certain consequences with it that are both good and bad.  God promises if we choose Him daily the subsequent consequence is a transformed life.  

God Bless!

Scripture References & Highlights

Prayer for 2021:  This year will be a year of Light; that Light will shine and darkness will not dispel it. 
In Jesus' Name

Message Scriptures
  • 1 Corinthisans 1:18-25
    • vs. 21 - 
      • self discovery can only be done through the lens of God and the cross
      • the simplicity of the cross is wiser than man's thoughts
    • vs. 23 -
      • we, those who are chosen, preach the crucified Messiah
    • vs. 24
      • He is God's mighty power, God's true wisdom, and our Messiah
    • vs. 28-31
      • He chose nobodies to be His to show the world His plan is wiser than theirs
      • we draw our life from God
      • so than let us choose to be joined to Jesus, who defines our lives
  • Hosea 2:14-20
    • vs. 17
      • the removal of the names of Baals or idols from our mouth
    • vs. 18
      • I will make you lie down in safety
    • vs. 19
      • betroth you to me forever, in righteousness, justice, in steadfast love and mercy
  • 1 Corinthians 1:10, 17
    • be a people with/of...
      • common perspective with shared values
      • God's love
      • simplicity and power of the cross
      • trusting in the all-sufficient cross of Christ alone
  • 1 Corinthians 2:5
    • faith established by trusting in His almighty power and not man's wisdom
  • 1 Corinthians 3:16, 21-23
    • God's permanent home is in us
    • we already have everything
    • it's been given to us
    • everything belongs to us
    • we are joined to the Messiah who is joined to God
 Nuggets for the Week
  • God is not put off by our insufficiences.  He is banking on His mighty power to bring about transformation
  • "Established" defined - to make firm or stable; to introduce and cause to grow

  • Who is the crucified Messiah?
  • How am I viewing Christ?
  • Am I viewing Him as all powerful? True wisdom?
  • What is it about us that choosing is so difficult?  For weeks now we have talked about choosing, choices, responding, coming alive
    • Before the foundation of the world I chose you - Ephesians 2
    • Before you were in your mother's womb, I chose you - Jeremiah 1:4-5
    • God will not strive always with man - Genesis 6:3 (Amplified)
 Key Takeaway for the Body
  • The Messiah came to invite us to choose the simplicty of the cross, to rely upon His mighty power for ourselves and others, and speak the gospel with truth but seasoned with grace

Prayer Time

In your times of prayer this week (9am,12noon, and 6pm) we encourage you to include the following scriptures located below and in the article 7 Verses and 7 Prayers for your Pastor/

Ephesians 1:17-19, 3:16-17

Philippians 1:9-11

Colossians 1:10-12

Worship Highlight 


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