What Have You Learned? Pt. 1

  Hello Prophetic, Praying, Company of Believers,

We were blessed to have our spiritual father in the gospel, Pastor Gbogboade, bring the message this week that caused us to reflect back on this COVID season and ask "what have we learned" during this time of lockdown.  God kept us here for a reason!   



Scripture References & Highlights

Message Scriptures:
  • Matthew 11:7-8
    • hold on to the truth of what God has said
    • meditate upon these verses and apply it to our lives
  • Acts 1:12-15
    • the church was formed during lockdown in the upper room
    • 120 came out of lockdown with fire, preaching the gospel
  • Isaiah 26:20-21
    • another example of a lockdown situation (nothing new to God or His people, Noah and family locked down in the ark.  Children of Israel, prior to leaving Egypt, were locked down when the death angel passed over.)
  • Matthew 16:18
    • the church (ekklesia) was never locked down


Nuggets for the Week

  • God kept us through the pandemic for a purpose, may we not lose focus
  • it is the grace of God that has kept us for the divine purpose to finish the race well
  • Where God has placed you, stay there
  • Sometimes we (the church) want to be like the world when we are called to bring the world to transformation
  • We are disciples to follow Christ step by step, line upon line, that is how God builds
  • We are to share the gospel to sinners not exspowe their sin.  They can ot see their sin except the gospel brings sight
  • we must know the Christ

  • Why do you suffer for the Lord to doubt?
  • Why do you sacrifice to think another way?
  • Why fast and pray to only speak negative?
  • How is the gospel going to be passed to the next generation?
  • Heaven is asking why are you alive?  What did you learn?  What did you see!
  • Is what you learned brought you closer to Jesus?
  • Has it increased your faith in God?
  • Has it made you reflect on life?
  • Has it taken you on your knees for true repentance before your Creator?
  • Has it taught you the futility or vanity of pursuing worldly things?

 Key Takeaway for the Body

  • God must be first in our lives through intimacy (1 Cor. 15:19, 15:33, Romans 8:37)

Prayer Time

In your times of prayer this week (6am, 9am, 12noon, 3pm and 6pm) we encourage you to include the following scriptures located below and in the article 7 Verses and 7 Prayers for your Pastor/

Isaiah 53:1-5 

Ephesians 6:11

Philippians 1:6

2 Kings 6:15-17

2 Cor. 10:4

Isaiah 26:3

Worship Highlight


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